Detailed Information on Publication Record
Russia’s Imprint in Iraqi Kurdistan: Rosneft’s Ascendancy
SOMMER, Filip and Tomáš KAVÁLEKBasic information
Original name
Russia’s Imprint in Iraqi Kurdistan: Rosneft’s Ascendancy
SOMMER, Filip and Tomáš KAVÁLEK
Middle East Policy, 2020
Other information
Type of outcome
Článek v odborném periodiku
Confidentiality degree
není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Organization unit
CEVRO University
Keywords (in Czech)
Irák; Kurdistán; Rusko; Rosneft; ropa a plyn
Keywords in English
Iraq; Kurdistan; Russia; Rosneft; oil and gas
International impact, Reviewed
Změněno: 25/11/2024 15:48, Mgr. Filip Sommer
V originále
In 2017-18, Russia’s Rosneft made a dramatic entrance into the oil and gas sector of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) by signing up to $5.3 billion worth of deals with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). The KRG was facing economic problems and, at the same time, had long desired to develop its stagnant gas sector. Russia, having only a limited foothold in post-2003 Iraq, has become an important player in the KRI energy sector. This step came at a time when many argued that Russian engagement in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) “was es- sentially part of Moscow’s endeavor to return to the global geopolitical chessboard as a great power.” It appears that one ele- ment of its actions across the region stands out: a systematic effort to play a part in gas projects that otherwise have the potential to undermine Russian dominance in supply- ing Europe with gas. Rosneft seems to be a principal agent in this undertaking.