u 2024

What Nineveh’s Municipal Council Reveals about the Iran-Turkey Power Struggle in Iraq

SOMMER, Filip a Rebwar SALIH

Základní údaje

Originální název

What Nineveh’s Municipal Council Reveals about the Iran-Turkey Power Struggle in Iraq


SOMMER, Filip (203 Česká republika, garant, domácí) a Rebwar SALIH


Washington D.C. 2024


Fikra Forum

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Typ výsledku

Účelové publikace


50600 5.6 Political science

Stát vydavatele

Česká republika


není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství

Organizační jednotka

CEVRO Univerzita

Klíčová slova česky

Irák; sporná území; Ninive, Turecko; Írán

Klíčová slova anglicky

Iraq; disputed territories; Nineveh; Turkey; Iran



Mezinárodní význam
Změněno: 25. 11. 2024 15:09, Mgr. Filip Sommer


V originále

Uncertainty and poor governance have fostered an environment of competition for power and leverage within Iraq, both between the Kurdish regional Government (KRG) and Government of Iraq (GoI) and between Turkey and Iran. These dynamics are generating new points of friction and hostility, particularly at the municipal level. Last December’s long-delayed Provincial Council elections in Iraq have opened a new chapter of political contestation between local actors and regional rival countries. Internal fragility within the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI)—particularly between the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)—has spilled over into Iraq’s Disputed Internal Boundaries (DIBs), claimed by both the KRG and the GoI. Subsequent disputes within the elected municipal councils to agree on governor positions in Iraq’s DIBs have further highlighted these tensions.