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Curriculum Vitae

Person-Related Identification Information
  • Karel B. Müller, I am born in 1972 in the Czech Republic, a professor of political science. Since 2020 I work at the school of political studies CEVRO Institute in Prague. I focus on the theory of civil society, democracy, political culture and identities, public sphere, public involvement, and the Europeanization.
  • Political Science and International Relations
Employment - Position
  • CEVRO Institute in Prague (2020–presence), Political Science Programmes Guarantor
  • University of Economics in Prague, Head of Political Science Department (2015–2020)
  • University of Economics in Prague (1999–presence)
  • Metropolitan University in Prague (2002–2017)
  • New York University in Prague (2005–2014)
  • The University of Nottingham, UK (2004–2005)
  • Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Humanities (2002–2008)
  • Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences (1999–2004)
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • 2018 Professor in Political Science, University of Economics in Prague
  • 2007 Associate Professor, University of Economics in Prague
  • 2002 PhD in Political Science, Charles University in Prague
  • 1996 MA in Philosophy, Charles University in Prague
Scientific and Research Activities
  • 2024–2026: Neighbouring Language from Beginning, TANDEM, Westbohemian University, (evaluater and vocational superviser of the project) 2022–2023: Active Neighbours: Cross-Border Cooperation in the Czech-German Borderland (Czech-German Future Fond, member or research team) 2017–2019: Active Borders as a Source of the Europeanization of Public Sphere (head of the research team, 2.4 million CZK, Grant Agency of the CZR (GACR)
  • 2014–2016: Local Political Elites as Key Actors of Democratisation (head of the research team, 1.6 million CZK), Grant Agency of the CZR (GACR)
  • 2007–2013: Governance in Globalised Society and Economy (member of the research team), Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, CZR
  • 2006–2008: Transparency of Financing in the Nongovernmental Sector in the CZR (member of the research team), Ministry of Interior, CZR
  • 2005–2009: Civil Society and New Forms of Governance, Network of Excellence (member of the research team)
  • 9/2004–6/2005: The University of Nottingham, School of Politics, guest researcher and teacher of "Civil Society and Politics in Post-Communist Central Europe
  • 4/2005: The Nottingham Trent University, guest researcher
  • 6/2003–8/2003: Graduate Center, City University of New York, post-doc programme
Awards Related to Science and Research
  • The University of Economics in Prague Rector’s Award for Prestigious Publication (in 2010)
  • The Faculty of International Relations Awards, VŠE Prague (in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2010)
  • Eduard Beneš Award for a Distinguished Sociological Contribution (in 2002)
Major Publications
  • MÜLLER, Karel, Luděk FRÁNĚ, Kamil FLEISSNER a Daniel KNÝ. Active Borders in Europe: Identity and Collective Memory in the Cross-Border Space. 1. vyd. Cham: Springer, 2023, 151 s. Contribution to Political Science. ISBN 978-3-031-23772-0. Dostupné z: URL info
  • MÜLLER, Karel, Luděk FRÁNĚ, Kamil FLEISSNER a Daniel KNÝ. Active Borders in Europa. Identität un kollektives Gedächtnis in grenzübergreifenden Räumen. 1. vyd. Dresden, München: Thelem, 2023, 249 s. ISBN 978-3-95908-309-6. URL info
  • MÜLLER, Karel, Luděk FRÁNĚ, Kamil FLEISSNER a Dan KNÝ. Aktivní hranice v Evropě. Identita a kolektivní paměť v přeshraničním prostoru. Praha: FF UK a Filosofický ústav AV ČR, 2021, 176 s. Europaeana Pragensia. ISBN 978-80-7671-024-5. info
  • MÜLLER, Karel a Aleš LISA. Democratic Leadership and Progressive Government in Face of Public Disinterest: Local Political Elites and Civil Public in Post-communist Town. Romanian Journal of Political Science. 2020, roč. 20, č. 1, s. 147-187. ISSN 1582-456X. URL info
  • FRÁNĚ, Luděk, Daniel KNÝ, Karel MÜLLER a Kamil FLEISSNER. Přeshraniční spolupráce v trojzemních euroregionech Nisa a Šumava z perspektivy starostů a starostek. Geografie. 2020, roč. 125, č. 2, s. 243-269. ISSN 2571-421X. Dostupné z: URL info
  • MÜLLER, Karel. Active Borders and Transnationalization of the Public Sphere in Europe: Examining Territorial and Symbolic Borders as a Source of Democratic Integration, Positive Identity, and Civic Learning. Alternatives. 2018, roč. 43, č. 3, s. 119–136. ISSN 0304-3754. Dostupné z: info
  • MÜLLER, Karel. Dobré vládnutí a jeho aktéři v postkomunistickém happyvillu aneb jak rozhodovat v zájmu těch, kteří nejsou slyšet. Acta Politologica. Praha, 2018, roč. 10, č. 1, s. 57–85. ISSN 1803-8220. info
  • MÜLLER, Karel. Dobré vládnutí ve veřejném nezájmu. Lokální politické elity jako klíčoví aktéři demokratizace? Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON), 2018. info
  • MÜLLER, Karel. Analýza české institucionální kultury. Proměny hranic mezi soukromou a veřejnou sférou v podmínkách každodennosti a svátečnosti od poloviny 19. století do současnosti. Sociální studia/Social Studies. 2017, roč. 14, č. 2, s. 73–97. ISSN 1214-813X. info
  • MÜLLER, Karel. Češi, občanská společnost a evropské výzvy. Mezi nacionalismem a liberalismem aneb Od etnické exkluze k aktivní hranici [Czechs, Civil Society and European Challenges]. Praha: Stanislav Juhaňák – Triton, 2016. info
  • MÜLLER, Karel, Petr VYMĚTAL a Šárka LABOUTKOVÁ. Lobbing v moderních demokraciích [Lobbying in Modern Democracies]. Praha: Grada, 2010, 256 s. info
  • MÜLLER, Karel a Marek SKOVAJS. From Reflections on Post-Communism to Perspectives on Europeanization: Democracy and Civil Society in Central Europe. International Political Science Review. 2009, roč. 30, č. 5, s. 501–517. ISSN 0192-5121. info
  • MÜLLER, Karel. Politická sociologie. Politika a identita v proměnách modernity [Political Sociology. Politics and Identity in Transforming Modernities]. Praha: Portál, 2008. info
  • MÜLLER, Karel. Evropa a občanská společnost. Projekt evropské identity [Europe and Civil Society]. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON), 2008. info
  • MÜLLER, Karel. The Civil Society-State Relationship in Contemporary Discourse: A Complementary Account from Giddens Perspective. The British Journal of Politics & International Relations. 2006, roč. 8, č. 2, s. 311–330. ISSN 1369-1481. info


Curriculum Vitae: prof. PhDr. Karel Müller, Ph.D. (učo 5212), version: English(1), last update: 2025/01/29 15:14, K. Müller