Občanská demokratická strana jako hlavní dědic OF a agens stranického systému ČR (1991-1998)
PŠEJA, Pavel
Základní údaje
Originální název
Občanská demokratická strana jako hlavní dědic OF a agens stranického systému ČR (1991-1998)
Název anglicky
Civic Democratic Party as the Major Heir to the Civic Forum and an Agent of the Party System of the Czech Republic
PŠEJA, Pavel (203 Česká republika, garant)
Politologický časopis, Brno, MU, 2004, 1211-3247
Další údaje
Typ výsledku
Článek v odborném periodiku
50601 Political science
Stát vydavatele
Česká republika
není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Organizační jednotka
CEVRO Univerzita
Klíčová slova anglicky
Civic Democratic Party; Czech party system; political right
1J002/04-DP1, projekt VaV.
V originále
Clánek prináší podrobný rozbor vývoje ODS od pocátku její existence až do roku 1998.
This article intends to present a thorough analysis of the development of the Civic Democratic Party from the beginnings of its existence until 1998 i.e. the year which can be seen as the breaking point in its history. The main proposition is that the Civic Democratic Party has emerged as the representative of the most widespread tendencies and opinions established within Civic Forum and accordingly should be seen as the major expression of initial political visions, which were increasingly predominant in the first months after the regime change in 1989. Consequently, the article elaborates to a much detailed degree further developments within the Civic Democratic Party and its position within the party system here, the underlying intention is to contribute to deeper understanding of behaviour and actions taken by the Civic Democratic Party and its leadership, thus making it possible to explain the logic of its position within the party system and of many particular events, in various ways related to the Civic Democratic Party, throughout the period in question.
Zobrazeno: 16. 3. 2025 09:37