Tips on Examinations Based on Scannable Answer Sheets
- 1.What information does this page contain?
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- 2.Preparing for the examination
- Create a set of questions and a ROPOT description in the IS, generate test sheets to be printed, try whether you prefer to print the assignment from the browser or directly to the printer (via the TeX typesetting system).
- In particular, check how any non-standard characters and marks you have in the test sheet will print.
- For the time being, you can only print the question containing the image from the browser.
- You can send out a group email to students advising them to look at the Student Help so they can understand how to enter the učo and assignment number on the answer sheet.
- Check with your faculty's LVT about the scanning procedure: whether you will scan yourself (how and where) or have a service person do it.
- Print enough replacement answer sheets.
- The answer sheets can also be copied on a good quality photocopier.
- 3.During the examination
- You can check the attendance according to the list of those registered for the examination date from the IS and according to the ISIC. During the examination, the supervisor can check whether the student has filled in the answer sheet with the name on the ISIC according to the ISIC placed on the desk.
- Explain on the board how to write the digits of the učo and the number of the assignment on the answer sheet (see Student Help).
- The answer sheet cannot be scraped, only gently rubberized.
- Encourage students to prepare their answers first for the assignment. Before the end of the examination, invite them to rewrite them on the answer sheet. If a student makes a mistake on the sheet and there is no corrections section, tear up the sheet and give thim/her a new one to rewrite the information.
- Emphasize to the students to mark their answers using a bold line. Some students may try to cheat by marking answers they are unsure of very thinly, which the recognition program may interpret as an unanswered question. The student then waits and, if it was a correct answer, requests a manual correction of the result. We therefore recommend that teachers ignore claims of non-standard marked answers and leave the decision to the recognition program.
- For handwritten examinations that will be scanned (i.e. answers are written on the answer sheet), warn students that they should not write in the margins of the paper and that only answers on the face of the paper are scanned. The reverse side is not scanned and the student will not see it in IS.
- Before handing in, ask students to check that they have not forgotten to fill in the assignment number.
- You may or may not leave the assignment with the students, e.g. you can publish it to them at the end of the examination period by displaying the correct answers in ROPOT description in the IS (this does not apply to handwritten examinations, here you can post the assignment as a separate file, e.g. in the learning materials).
- Tell students the date when they will see the grades, scanned answer sheets, or assignments in IS – save yourself questions.
- 4.After the examination
- Perform answer sheet scanning alone or with LVT support; if some are not recognized, correct manually. The result of the operation is to link the answers to the answer sheet (ROPOT description) and store the scores obtained in a notebook.
- Grades can preferably be awarded in bulk using the "evaluate on the basis of scores" notebook operation.
- Make the scanned answer sheets available to students, someone may complain about the recognition of the paper, solve individualy.
- The recognition software is being further improved; if you notice a case of faulty recognition, send the student's name, course code, or other identification of the paper to the IS administrators.
- Scanned answer sheets are placed in the Retrieval Box for students to review. Making the sheets available is not dependent on the publication of the notebooks. Even if the assigned notebook is inaccessible but the answer sheets are already scanned, students will see the sheets in their retrieval box.
- Students have information on where to find the scanned sheets in the Help.
- Teacher can allow students to view the assignment (with or without marking the correct answers) in the ROPOT description.
- Teacher can view handwritten scannable answer sheet assignments after grading using the application:
The Information system Teacher [course selection] Work with ROPOT Browse answer sheets
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