
the European Union
Stronger !!!
6. 12. 2022
Flag of Europe - Wikipedia File:European Union (blue).svg - Wikimedia Commons

The Concept of Civil Society
Complementary Giddens Perspective of Tocqueville
Müller KB (2006), The Civil Society-State Relationship in Contemporary Discourse: A Complementary
Account from Giddens Perspective. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 8
(2), 311-330.
Scheme 1 final
•Passivity, apathy
•Abuses of power
•Crisis of legitimacy, low trust to institutions
•Anomy, low trust to others

Predicaments of a European Civil Society
•Weak spots
•Lack of Politics (just Policy)
•Legitimacy/democratic deficit
•Weak European public sphere
•Weak European identity
•Weak European narrative


European Identity
•Aspiration for complementary and multiple positive identities

Make history history

POLITICISATION of the European Union
•Policy without Politics (EU) x Politics without Policy
•Weak Public Sphere, Weak Collective Identity, Weak Narrative
•Absence of Opposition (Alternatives) – Unanimity principle
•Voting system in the Council of the EU
•EU Commission or High Representative Proposals: Double (Qualified) Majority (55% of MS – 15 out of
27, and 65% of Citizens)
•Member state proposal: Reinforced Qualified Majority (72% of MS and 65% of Citizens
•The blocking minority must include at least four MS representing more than 35% of the EU
•Lisbon Treaty  (2009)       Citizens´ Initiative (2012)