China as leader of the
Global South countries ?
• growing competition with the United
• potential candidate for the role of
first world power
• GDP, multiplied by ? in 2021
• geopolitical ambitions with Xi Jinping
• Purpose = the return of China's
"true" place in the world.
• growing competition with the United
• potential candidate for the role of
first world power
• GDP, multiplied by 37 in 2021
• geopolitical ambitions with Xi Jinping
• Purpose = the return of China's
"true" place in the world.
Unbalanced relations between China and the countries of the South
• Unbalanced economic and political relations
• Risk to lock countries into a problematic specialization of their economy (export of
natural resources or agricultural products)
• China as the main trading partner of most countries of the south
• Three major regions of the South have recorded a growing trade deficit with China
• The existence of a "new Chinese colonialism"
• Policies in order to strengthen the dependency relationship between China and the
• a strategy to strengthen China's economic and political power
• China's legitimate position at the center of a world order
What China proposes to the
countries of the South
• To promote "South-South cooperation”
• To develop "win-win" relations
• A welcome alternative
• Free countries of the South from Western states and major
international institutions
• Finance infrastructure projects
• Chinese "neo-colonialism” à do not overestimate it : country
continues to face daunting economic and social challenges
• China is still part of the South because of its history and heritage
[Loong Yu is a leading global justice activist in Hong Kong]
• 2014 : Xi Jinping was visiting South America for
the second time in 18 months
• sign several agreements
• China = main trading partners on the continent
• to build strong commercial links
Latin America is one of the best
equipped regions of the world in terms
of natural resources, agricultural and
Why South Africa ?
Southern countries
also actors
• Countries of the South are not passive
victims of Chinese policies
• They have room to move in relation to
China (Burma, Pakistan and Nepal)
• Pekin is an effective alternative to
Western hegemony
• Nuance the argument of colonialism
and « win-win »
• A cooperation of developing countries
with reproduction of structures of
subordination and dependence
• Challenge : unite the countries of the
South Ø Carrozza, 2021, Legitimizing China's Growing Engagement in African
Security: Change within Continuity of Official Discourse